

:bell: New feature alert!

New Event Type for Registrations

We've added two new event types: Signup success and Signup failed so you can easily tell when a new user has registered (or not) on your platform.

GROUP BY functionality in Explorer charts

We added a Group By feature to the heat maps on the IPs, Prints, Emails, and Phone tabs so that you can easily get more context on your users' activity.

For example, what countries are your users coming from? :globe-with-meridians:

In the IPs tab, selecting the option in the Group By dropdown will answer this question. In the Verosint Demo workspace, most activity is coming from the United States :us:, Norway, and Russia :ru:.

Group by Country in the IP addresses tab

Group by Country in the IP addresses tab

By clicking on the black caret icon, you can see all the IPs grouped within a given country (see image below).

IP addresses from the U.S.

IP addresses from the U.S.

Other examples of Group By functionality include:

Prints: What types of devices are accessing your systems? Most activity is via desktops or mobile phones -- but there are also bots! :astonished:

Group by Device Type in the Prints tab

Group by Device Type in the Prints tab

Emails: What email servers (aka domains) are most of your users using? The top 3 email domains are Yahoo, Hotmail, and Comcast.

Group by Email Server (aka Domains) in the Emails tab

Group by Email Server (aka Domains) in the Emails tab

Phones: What phone carriers do most of your users have? The top 3 phone carriers are New Cingular Wireless, T-Mobile, and Level 3 Communications.

Group by Phone Carrier in the Phones tab

Group by Phone Carrier in the Phones tab

💜 Improvements 💜

We're constantly working to give you the best user experience. Here's the latest:

  1. There were some longstanding :incoming-envelope: email domains that were being mistaken for newly created domains. :bug: squashed!
  2. The CSV download for our Events tab in Explorer was missing columns! :sweat: Fixed it! :white-check-mark: