💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.
We improved your first time user experience with Verosint. After signing up for Verosint, land on the AI Insights page and explore an interactive demo.
We also made it easy to discover the Verosint Demo workspace, where you can see our sample demo data in action!
Like what you see? Then start streaming your data to get your own AI Insights. Use the "Connect Your Data" pop-up in the bottom right corner.
💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.
Introducing Workflows (formerly known as Rule Sets)! Workflows enable real-time prevention to block attacks and other types of fraud before the damage is done.
Highlights include:
Simple, yet powerful triggers
Advanced triggers (with CEL) - all the flexibility, when you need it
Adaptive identity proofing lets you send users down the identity verification path when needed
Conveniently turn off rules in your workflow without deleting them
💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.
We fixed a pesky bug in Explorer when filtering by IP address from the heat map. You're welcome!
Some of you mentioned that the wording of the recommendations on the AI Insights cards was confusing. This is fixed, so now it's crystal clear what the recommendation is for a given AI Insight.
We improved the security of the list management functions by putting additional limits and rules in place that prevents potentially malicious content from being displayed and saved. 🔐 While doing so, we briefly introduced a regression 🐞 that was triggered by empty list attribute descriptions. The issue has since been resolved. ✅
💜 We're always looking to improve your experience. We've added to the top-level domains (TLD) for the Risky TLD signal so that you can continue to prevent phishing schemes in your workspace! Carry on.
🔔 New feature alert! We added a new signal called "Shared Payment Method" which tells you if the same payment hash was used by multiple accounts (potentially suspicious activity 👀). Enjoy!
With the release of Account Intelligence a few months ago and zero usage in the last 30 days, we have deprecated the account lookup endpoint (https://docs.verosint.com/reference/getaccount). If customer demand returns for a feature like this, we're open to discussing and support those needs. ❤️
That said, all that information (and MORE!) can be found in Account Intelligence! Be sure to check it out.
💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.
You can now include email aliases (for example, [email protected]) when excluding accounts from events processing so you're not wasting API calls on the same account.
We fixed a bug that ensure all Signals in the Explorer tables have a chip color when new signal types are added.
At Verosint, we are all about consistent and elegant design so you can quickly make sense of what you're looking at. There were a couple of places throughout the UI where we were using "filled" icons instead of "outlined icons", which can make text feel really heavy. Those have been updated!
💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.
We've organized all of our behavioral signals - aka Risks - into a single filter in Event Explorer so that you can search for multiple risks at the same time in your workspace (instead of running multiple searches one after the other).
For example, you can now simultaneously check for the presence of TOR, VPN, or Proxy IPs in your workspace with the following filter: Risks Is Tor, VPN, orProxy
Previously, you had to search for each of these boolean signals one at a time in order to detect the specific behavior in your workspace (eg. TOR Is True > Search, etc.).
Note: The old boolean signals are no longer available in the Verosint application. Though they will continue to work in Rules, we encourage you to update your rule sets asap to use Risks (aka event.risks) instead. Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.
Our VP of Sales rightly pointed out that the Last Day option in the Date Range filter in Explorer was confusing -- and suggested we update it to Last 24 Hours so it's crystal clear what time frame you're looking at. Improved!