
Sorting table improvements in Explorer & more!

:purple-heart: We're always looking to improve your experience. Though Monday was a holiday :palm-tree:, the short week did not stop the Verosint team from pushing fixes to improve your experience. These include:

  1. There were a few bugs :bug: when sorting tables by column name in Explorer
    1. Sorting a table by Account in the Events and Accounts tables, Last Seen in the IPs, Prints, Emails, and Phones table, and Domain Age in the Emails table now work as you'd expect
    2. You can sort by IPs now
    3. You can now sort the Location column :globe-with-meridians: in the Accounts, IPs, Prints, Emails, and Phone tabs alphabetically by country name (previously, they were sorting alphabetically on a 2-letter country code).
  2. We streamlined all our rule set templates so that the only predefined outcome values defined by Verosint are ALLOW, DENY, PROOF, and CHALLENGE. Confusion banished!
  3. We added more user friendly language in Explorer and the SignalPrint graph side panels if you do not send us the useragent in your events data. Instead of undefined, you'll see No data available. UI polish applied! :nail-care:
  4. We fixed a bug related to the autocomplete when adding identifiers to a list. If you copy and paste multiple emails into the search bar and hit "Enter" quickly, all yours emails will be neatly added to the list. Try it :wink: