
Deprecated /accounts/{accountId} endpoint & improvements

With the release of Account Intelligence a few months ago and zero usage in the last 30 days, we have deprecated the account lookup endpoint ( If customer demand returns for a feature like this, we're open to discussing and support those needs. ❤️

That said, all that information (and MORE!) can be found in Account Intelligence! Be sure to check it out.

Account Intelligence page example from the Verosint Demo workspace

Account Intelligence page example from the Verosint Demo workspace

💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.

  1. You can now include email aliases (for example, [email protected]) when excluding accounts from events processing so you're not wasting API calls on the same account.
  2. We fixed a bug that ensure all Signals in the Explorer tables have a chip color when new signal types are added.
  3. At Verosint, we are all about consistent and elegant design so you can quickly make sense of what you're looking at. There were a couple of places throughout the UI where we were using "filled" icons instead of "outlined icons", which can make text feel really heavy. Those have been updated!