Improvements to Account Intelligence page
💜 We're always looking to improve your experience.
Previously, you could only pull up the Account Intelligence page for an account that had activity in the last 30 days. Now you can pull up any Account Intelligence page (as far back as 180 days) - and you will see the 30 days of activity prior to their most recent event.
- For example, if an account was last seen on January 1, 2024, the Account Intelligence page will show information for the 30 days leading up to January 1, 2024.
We added the Last Seen event timestamp to the Account Info tile on the Account Intelligence page. We also added copy at the top right corner of the page, which tells you what time period you're looking at and in what timezone.
Each Account Intelligence page shows 30 days of activity prior to the Last Seen event for that account
🔨 We squashed several bugs on the Circadian Rhythm tile on the Account Intelligence page. There were several examples where no data was shown -- fixed!
🔨 On the Accounts page, accounts are once again sorted by their most recent event (aka Last Seen).