πŸ’œ We're always looking to improve your experience.

  1. Now when you click "Show in Explorer" from a specific AI Insight, we filter out the "Rule Set Evaluated" event type so you have no distractions and can quickly validate the info you're looking for. πŸŽ‰

    "Show in Explorer" shows you exactly what you need in Explorer

    "Show in Explorer" shows you exactly what you need in Explorer

  2. It may seem like a minor change, but we here at Verosint are all about consistent design so that it's easier for you to quickly make sense of what you're looking at.

We had some "design debt" in the Explorer side panels:

  • The IP side panel showed a sub-header called IP Signals
  • The Email side panel showed no sub-header title 😢
  • The Phone side panel also showed no sub-header title 😢

Now every side panel has the same sub-header title: Signals so it's crystal clear what you're looking at.

πŸ’œ We're always looking to improve your experience.

  1. We updated our Breached signal to return true if the email was breached at least once in the last 2 years.

  2. In Explorer, the autosuggest on the search filters was only displaying 10 results (when there could be so many more!). We've bumped that up to 50 results, making it easier to find the signal you want to search by. πŸ˜‰

    Autosuggest provides up to 50 results for you to choose from!

    Autosuggest provides up to 50 results for you to choose from!

πŸ”¨ We want to provide the best experience, so we're constantly fixing up the Verosint application.

We realized the User Agent Bot signal was not showing up in the UI! πŸ™€ That's fixed now thanks to our whiz-kid college intern. πŸ’»

πŸ”” New feature alert! The Anomaly Score helps you determine if an account is behaving normally or not based on prior account activity.

Here's a metaphor to explain that one: if you saw a guy wearing a blue t-shirt and jeans every day for a month, you'd expect him to come in tomorrow wearing a blue t-shirt πŸ‘• and jeans πŸ‘–. Tomorrow comes around and instead, the guy is wearing a red t-shirt πŸ”΄ and jeans πŸ‘–. Can you be sure it's the same guy or not?

In a similar way, the Anomaly Score looks at past event history for a given account, and then determines if future events for that account are normal (score = 0) or unusual (score = 100). In fact, an Anomaly Score β‰₯ 75 indicates highly unusual activity that's worth digging deeper into -- and generates the Anomalous Event signal in Explorer.

Anomaly Score in Explorer

Anomaly Score in Explorer

πŸ”” New features alert! We added 3️⃣ new IP signals to help discover and prevent platform risks in a more precise and nuanced way, so you can keep out fraudsters and streamline the experience for actual customers. These signals are available to use in Explorer and Rules.

Autonomous systems (ASN) can have very wide range of IP address pool sizes, ranging from the thousands to over tens of millions. Risk assessment based only on the number of ASNs can be misleading, and factoring in the size of the IP address pool can help you detect and prevent risky behavior in a more nuanced way.

  • ip.asnInfo.size and ip.network.size show in "t-shirt size" form the number of available IP addresses in the ASN or network associated with the IP identifier.
    • X-Small: <256 IP addresses
    • Small: Between 256 and 4,096
    • Medium: Between 4,096 and 64K
    • Large: Between 64K and 1M
    • X-Large: Between 1M and 16M
    • 2X-Large: > 16M IP
  • ip.network.cidr stores the network address associated with the IP identifier in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) format (e.g. Each ASN is composed of one or more networks. Having this signal provides a more granular grouping of IP addresses.

πŸ”” New features alert! We added 4 new signals that make it easier to detect and prevent fraud.

  1. Credential Stuffing: Indicates that the ASN or IP address of an event is currently attempting to access multiple accounts at an unnatural speed
  2. Account Takeover: Indicates that the account has been accessed through unusual activity
  3. Outlier Account: Indicates unusual activity relative to other accounts in this workspace
  4. Anomalous Event: Verosint provides an Anomaly Score (0 to 100) for each event in your workspace. For a given account, an Anomaly Score β‰₯ 75 indicates highly unusual activity relative to the account’s history -- and is labeled an Anomalous Event.
Example of an **Outlier Account** in the Verosint Demo workspace

Example of an Outlier Account in the Verosint Demo workspace

  1. Do you want to add or remove identifiers to your lists using an existing tool or integration on your platform? Our Lists API now has public endpoints for adding or removing users so you can do just that!
    Here's how (API Reference):

πŸ”¨ We want to provide the best experience, so we're constantly fixing up the Verosint application.

We fixed a bug that prevented you from pulling up the Event Details side panel for any event older than 30 days in Explorer. Onwards and upwards!

πŸ””New feature alert!

  1. Archiving insights is now available so you can focus on the ones you care about. πŸ˜‰Here's how it works:
  • You can archive Unusual Activity insights. Workspace Trends insights automatically disappear when the trend no longer occurs.
  • Once you've archived an insight, it's accessible to you in the "Archived" view for 30 days. After 30 days, the archived insight will disappear from the "Archived" view.
  • Unusual Activity insights will automatically be archived 15 days after they occurred. You can undo archive if you want to keep the insight around for longer. πŸ˜‰
Archive insights to focus on the ones you care about!

Archive insights to focus on the ones you care about!

  1. Send Custom Event Data: You can send us custom data that we'll display in Explorer so you have more intel to discover potential fraud quickly! Learn more about Sending Custom Event Data
Examples of custom event data you can send and see in the Event Details side panel in Explorer

Examples of custom event data you can send and see in the Event Details side panel in Explorer

πŸ”” New feature alert! You now have an email.relay signal, which identifies if an email address is forwarded to another email address. We detect and label email address from Apple iCloud+, Hide My Email, Firefox Relay, DuckDuckGo, addy.io, Fastmail, and SimpleLogin.

Email.relay signal in Rules UI

Email.relay signal in Rules UI

Example accounts using Apple Cloud+ as an email relay service in Explorer

Example accounts using Apple Cloud+ as an email relay service in Explorer

πŸ”” New feature alert! We added an email.domain signal, which you can use to:

  • Enforce real-time decisions on your users with Rules
  • Group users by specific domains with Lists
  • Discover new information by searching with the email.domainsignal in Explorer
Add Domains to Lists

Add Domains to Lists

Use a "Banned Domain" list in Rules

Use a "Banned Domain" list in Rules

Search using the Domain signal in Explorer

Search using the Domain signal in Explorer

πŸ”¨ We want to provide the best experience, so we're constantly fixing up the Verosint application.

If you (dis)like a particular AI-generated insight in your workspace ,you can give it a πŸ‘ or πŸ‘Ž. We fixed this functionality so you can tell if you've already liked (or disliked 😁) an insight.

Now you know which AI-generated insights you've previously liked (or disliked)

Now you know which AI-generated insights you've previously liked (or disliked)

πŸ’œ We're always looking to improve your experience.

  1. We updated the look and feel of AI Insights, so that it's easier for you to digest a lot of info quickly and discern which insights you might care to dig deeper into.

    The biggest change is that we added Insight Types to the AI Insights page, so you can quickly filter (out) the insights you care about.

    Check out the new look and feel of AI Insights

    Check out the new look and feel of AI Insights

  2. You can now search for empty Account IDs in Explorer, making it easier for you to discover when a potential stuffing attack or account takeover attempt may be occurring.

    For example, a bad actor may attempt to log into your platform by trying a bunch of email usernames and passwords. If that email username does not exist in your platform, the Account ID will be empty when you search for it in Explorer.

    Notice the Account cell contains an Email, but no Account ID

    Notice the Account cell contains an Email, but no Account ID