AI Insights

Verosint AI generates insights for your workspace, highlighting attacks, threats, and areas of potential risk on your platform. Insights are arranged into Threat Insights, Unusual Activity and Workspace Trends so you can focus on areas of risk that should be evaluated.

Threat Insights

Verosint automatically detects credential stuffing attacks and account takeovers in your workspace. Each attack will get a threat card with relevant information to help you understand the size and scope of the attack.

AI Insights - Threat Insights

AI Insights - Threat Insights

Threat Notifications

Verosint can alert you as soon as new threats are found. The Notification icon in the Filter sidebar allows you to configure notifications.

You can configure which threats to receive notifications from and which email addresses to send the notifications to.

Threat Notification Configuration

Threat Notification Configuration

Unusual Activity and Workspace Trends

  • Unusual Activity: Verosint AI detects elevated rates of activity in your workspace across various metrics and tells you when they occurred. The screenshot above shows 3 examples.
  • Workspace Trends: Verosint AI identifies ongoing trends in your workspace across various metrics and tells you when those trends started and how long they have been ongoing.
AI Insights

AI Insights - Unusual Activity

AI Insights - Workspace Trends

AI Insights - Workspace Trends

Show in Explorer

For relevant insights, you can learn more by looking at the supporting data in Explorer.

Show in Explorer feature

Show in Explorer

For relevant insights, Verosint AI provides a rule you can create to take action on the information discovered.

Note: Unusual Activity and Workspace Trends update daily in the late evening. The time is Central Standard Time.

Archiving an Insight

You can archive insights to help you focus on the ones most relevant to you.

  • If you archive an insight, it's accessible in the Archived view for 30 days before it expires.
  • Archived insights can be removed by clicking Undo Archive.
  • Verosint AI automatically archives insights 15 days after they've occurred.
  • Workspace Trends insights cannot be archived because they naturally expire once a trend stops.
Archive insights

Archive insights