Streaming Data with Ping DaVinci

With Verosint and Ping DaVinci, you can protect against fraud and determine account risk in the following ways.

Send an Event

Verosint enables you to evaluate a login or registration event to determine risk to your systems. Each system access attempt typically contains the following information:

  • Account information (Email address, IP address, Phone number).
  • Timestamp of the event.
  • Account ID (whatever you use as the unique identifier for this account, such as a username or email address).
  • User agent (the browser information the account used to access your applications).

With this information, Verosint can determine if the account is potentially risky. For example, if the geographic location of the IP address and the area code or country code of the phone number aren’t the same, the account may be fraudulent. With multiple events, Verosint can determine potential account sharing or fraud based on geolocation and time of access.

Evaluate a Rule

Verosint offers powerful rules and rule building tools that employ the data that is important in your environment. For example, if you want to limit access to users in specific areas, you can create rules based on geography through IP address, internet provider and domain location, or phone number and area code. Or, you may just want to trigger additional security checks in your registration flow if an account is found to be part of a recent data breach.

Create a rule that is meaningful for your business. Then use the following information to determine if an account meets or violates the criteria of the rule:

  • The rule UUID (generated for each rule created in Verosint).
  • An email address, or phone number, or IP address for an account.


To add the Verosint connector, make sure you have an active Ping Identity account and a Verosint account. For details about creating Verosint rules and using DaVinci, see:

Using Rules

DaVinci documentation:

Adding a connection and search for Verosint

Using the Verosint Connector in an Authentication Flow

An HTML form gathers data and stores it in variables.

For an Event Evaluation:

  • Account information (Email address, IP address, Phone number).
  • Timestamp of the event. This is not required, but you can use a Code Snippet connector with the following code to have a properly formatted timestamp:
    // Supported language: Javascript module.exports = a = async ({params}) => { console.log('timestamp: ', new Date().toISOString()) return {'timestamp': new Date().toISOString()} }
  • Account ID (whatever you use as the unique identifier for this account, such as a username or email address).
  • User agent (the browser information the account used to access your applications).

For a Rule Evaluation:

  • The rule UUID (generated for each rule created in Verosint).
  • An email address, or phone number, or IP address for an account.

Next, the connector directs the browser to the Verosint endpoint. The information is passed to the endpoint for the selected evaluation type and assessed. It is then passed along to the function call that will determine the next step.

Using the HTTP Connector

Ping offers a generic HTTP connector that allows you to use the most up-to-date features in Verosint. You will configure a POST method to the Verosint API with a valid Verosint API key:

Populate the payload: