Setup Guide

Create an Account

If you haven't already, sign up for a Verosint account to get started.

An email verification is sent. Click the link to verify the address and log into Verosint.

Login, Get Started

Sign up for a Verosint account and log in. In the top right corner of the interface, access your account settings.

You will then have an API key available to start sending events. Click API Keys and copy your key.

Stream Events

You'll want to send event data from any system with your identity event data. Each event should include the user’s activity, account ID, email or phone number, along with the IP, device, and user agent used.

You can send data in the following ways:

See the API reference for a full list of supported event types.


Sending Custom Event Data

You may have data associated with login or registration events that you want Verosint to process. This information can be added to the API request in JSON format with the workspaceCustomData field. Custom data is viewable in the Explorer, but not searchable and is limited to 8 KB.